7 Ways to Stay Grounded this Fall

The fall season is such a stark reminder that things change. The days get shorter. The trees change and lose their leaves. The bold brightness of mid-summer days are gone. It can feel a little jarring, especially if you’re sensitive to energy like me. I created this 7-day, 90-second grounding series and wanted to share it with you! Here are seven things you can do to stay grounded this fall. Each one has a video included, so come along and ground with me!

  1. EFT Tapping for Overwhelm

    Overwhelm can feel like a dark, heavy bowling ball that weighs you down so much it’s hard to move forward. When you feel overwhelmed, EFT Tapping is a great way to guide yourself into calm. To get the most out of this video, I encourage you to assign a number from 1-10 to your feelings of overwhelm before you begin. Then do a few rounds of tapping along with this video and score yourself again. While you’re tapping, you may notice different pieces of the overwhelm, like it’s color or shape, the texture or feeling. Feel free to incorporate these as you get further into the tapping. Tap as many times as necessary to bring down the charge on the feelings of overwhelm.

    Ready to jump in? ▶️Tap along with me!

  2. Distance Reiki with Hematite

    Reiki is a great way to release any energy that isn’t serving your well-being, and yes it works from afar! I love using a hematite crystal to collect any limiting beliefs, thoughts, old patterns, stagnant energy or anything that is holding you back. As you follow along with this video, imagine gently releasing these things and having them magnetically drawn out into the hematite.

    Ready to open yourself to the loving energy of the universe? ▶️Join me in this 90-second session!

  3. Grounding Cord Meditation

    Connecting to your root chakra through meditation is a great way to ground yourself. It’s helpful to imagine a grounding cord down to the Earth to remind yourself how supported you are. This brief meditation invites you to activate swirling energy in your root chakra, and then sending the cord going down through the layers of soil, sand and rock connecting you to the core of the Earth. Then feel the energy flowing up and down the cord. This is an excellent resource for feeling grounded.

    ▶️Do it along with me and see if you feel more stable!

  4. Intentional Belly Breathing

    Soooo many people are chest breathers, heaving up and down with their breaths. This is kind of the opposite of what you want to do, especially if you’re looking for calm! This video will help pull you out of chest breathing and down into intentional belly breathing. I encourage you to place one hand on the belly and one hand over the heart. Feeling the lungs inflate like balloons with your belly hand during your inhale can be helpful. Also notice keeping your heart hand steady. Then feel your belly hand fall in as your lungs deflate with the exhale. Once you learn how to do this, it becomes second nature and is a great tool for finding immediate calm.
    Do you typically breathe into your lungs? ▶️Breathe with me!

  5. Acupressure & Crown Opening

    The acupuncture point at the top of your head, called the GV20 (governing vessel 20) is a pathway to your crown. Tapping this area is said to relieve feelings of overwhelm. It can also help calm racing thoughts. I love to activate this area to release heaviness and welcome clarity. I gently pull open my crown chakra, and set the intention to release what isn’t serving, while welcoming in strokes of genius, insights, and a-ha moments.

    I invite you to ▶️try it with me!

  6. 4-7-8 Breathing

    My go-to when I need a quick reset is the 4-7-8 breath. This is a proven method of breathing that will instantly calm you. All you have to do is inhale for 4 seconds, hold for 7, and exhale for 8. You want to really expand into the lungs on the inhale and fall back into the body on the exhale. Revisit the belly breathing video above to make sure you’re breathing deeply. All you need is 45 seconds to feel the calming effect of this breath. To help yourself calm even more, purse your lips like you’re inhaling through and blowing out of a straw.

    ▶️I’ll count it out for you and you simply receive!

  7. Positive Affirmations

    What we say has a huge impact on our well-being, and daily positive affirmations are a great way to stay grounded.

    I encourage you to claim these Truths by speaking them aloud and calling them into existence.

    “I am grounded.”

    “I am rooted into the Earth.”

    “I am strong.”

    “I am capable.”

    “I am alive.”

    “I am protected.”

    “I am confidence.”

    “I am well-boundaried.”

    “I am fully able to do what I came here to do.”

    “I am love.”

    “I am rooted into the Earth.”

    “I am held.”

    “I am divinely supported.”

    ▶️Speak truths with me so you can feel blessed and protected!

I hope that you find these quick grounding exercises to be helpful! I would love to hear about your experience with them. Leave me a comment below. <3


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