Join us for a recharge!
Please select which call and time you’d like to book for
This is a 30 min call to check-in about your week and receive a tailored meditation & group Reiki session.
Early call: 6a PT / 9a ET
Later call: 9:30a PT/12:30p ET
This is a 30 min call to check-in about how the week is going and to reconnect and recharge to finish out the week.
Every Wednesday 7:30a PT / 10:30a ET
This is a 60 min call where we gather around a theme (releasing/calling in, abundance, transitions, etc)
3rd Thursday of the month 1:30p PT/4:30p ET
Upcoming themes:
Feb 20 - Connecting with our spiritual guides (Pisces season)
Mar 20 - Navigating heavy emotions (Aries season, Mercury retrograde in Aries, Virgo Lunar eclipse)
Apr 17 - Energetic Spring Cleaning (Mars entering Leo, Taurus season)
May 15 - Inner & Outer Relationships (Scorpio Full Moon)
June 19 - Boundaries between work and fun (Mars enters Virgo, Cancer season)